Select CompanyProdID,producttitle,productimagefilepath,ProductName,a.productid,b.groupid,maingroupnameurl from trncompanyprod_forsearch a left JOIN mstproduct b on a.ProductID=b.ProductId left join mstmaingroup c on b.maingroupid=c.maingroupid where a.CompanyID= ? and a.isproductapproved=1 Emery Wheel from ShipBrand in Banglore, India
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Sold by ShipBrand

Established in the year 1984, Pacific Industries is a professionally managed company driven by philosophy of quality. With nearly three decades of experience, we have established our reputation as makers of High Quality Grinding Wheels and Abrasive Wheels for a variety of Industrial applications under the brand name of “SHIP BRAND”. We manufacture a wide range of abrasive products such as Depressed Centre Wheels (DCDs) , Cutting Wheels (Reinforced Cut-off Wheels as well as Non-reinforced Cut-off Wheels), Portable Snagging Wheels, Foundry Snagging wheels and pedestal Grinding Wheels.
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