ENER brand Cable Lugs & connectors is manufactured & marketed by ENER INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED. All products are manufactured from ETP grade copper & EC grade Aluminium. You can feel rest assured of the quality products manufactured and supplied by us ranging from…
ENER brand is a flourishing business entity through prominently producing electrical accesories in various ranges made from ETP Copper & EC grade aluminium. Today we are one of the the leading manufacturers of Sheet metal copper lugs, Tubular lugs, Ring lugs, Fork lugs, Pin lugs, flat Pin lugs, special type pin lugs, bus bar, Bimetallic lugs, Aluminium lugs, split Bolt, female terminals, male terminals, male & female bullet terminals, Ferrule, boot type lugs, twin type Pin lugs, Insulated lugs, Brazed lugs, railway series lugs, mechanical lugs & many more to continue.