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Centrifugal process pumps are of single stage, horizontal end suction type. Our centrifugal pumps are unparalleled in performance, trouble free and provide a long-lasting field performance. It is accurately machined shaft and dynamically balanced impeller are designed and manufactured according to high industrial standards. It is easy to use and also high on quality with a performance guarantee. The transfer of liquids takes place smoothly due to its robust construction.

Metallic - SS 316 / SS 304, Positive Suction & Self-Priming Type.
TRANSFLO TCP SS Series Pumps are made using latest technology with single mechanical shaft seal that depend upon the liquid, working pressure and temperature. The different parts of these pumps are made from SS 304/316 in free floor standing design. The compact design to provide easy access to all vital parts and capable of being used for corrosive liquids.

Non-Metallic – Polypropylene, Positive Suction

TRANSFLO TCP PP Series Pumps are suitable for highly corrosive liquids such as HCL, Sulphuric Acid, Nitric, Alum etc to suit maximum temperature up to 85ºC. Pumps are available in Self-Priming, Mono-block & Vertical Submerged Types. Mechanical Seal mostly used are Teflon bellow type with replaceable mating faces of Ceramic.