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Home Â» Products Â»  Nitric Acid 68%

nitric acid (HNO3), is a highly corrosive and toxic strong mineral acid that is normally colorless but tends to acquire a yellow cast to the accumulation of oxides of nitrogen if long–stored. Ordinary nitric acid has a concentration of 68%. When the solution contains more than 86% HNO3, it is referred to as fuming nitric acid. Depending on the amount of nitrogen dioxide present, fuming nitric acid is further characterized as white fuming nitric acid or red fuming nitric acid, the concentrations above 95%. Nitric acid is also commonly used as a strong oxidizing agent.

Pure anhydrous nitric acid (100%) is a colorless mobile liquid with a density of 1.512 g/cm2 that solidifies at -42° C and forms white crystals. It boils at 83° C. Consequently, anhydrous nitric acid should be stored below 0°C to avoid decomposition.